First Aid Box
First Aid boxes available Price : ₹2360.00 [inclusive of 18% GST]
- CPR mask
- Cervical neck collar ( medium )
- Emergency Outdoor thermal Foil blanket
- Gamjee roll (dressings)
- Combined dressings (2)
- Cotton roll - 50gm
- Bandaid (3 strips)
- Micropore tape
- elasticated first aid roller bandage (8cmx4m.)
- Gauze bandages 5cmx3m [5]; 10cmx3m [5]
- ElastoCrepe bandages 6cmx4m(1);10cmx4m(1)
- Triangular bandages (2)
- Dressings for burns
- Sterile eye pads (2)
- Adhesive bandage (Elastoplast)
- Tablet Aspirin (325 mg to be chewed for heart attack)
- ORS sachets [Oral Rehydration Salt] (2)
- Savlon lotion
- Gloves
- Scissors
- Safety pins
- Penlight torch